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Every person is unique, but unfortunately that is not how our modern “health care system” works. My approach values every person’s unique body, set of experiences and health history when creating a healing program.


Combining energy medicine with practical recommendations is the basis of my approach. Drawing on my extensive experience and studies in natural health including Ayurvedic, Naturopathic and Chinese Medicine philosophies, and energy healing, I have created a unique and effective method for making real differences in my client’s health and well-being.


Listening to your words, paying attention to body language, tone of voice and feelings is a part of our conversations. Once I have understood what you want to heal, we work together to make it happen. I will never judge or tell you what to do, I listen and support you in finding your own answers. 


The power of Energy Healing combined with BodyMind coaching means we get to the real stuff sooner, which means faster results for you.


As a member of Size Inclusive Health Australia I do not focus on weight or body size. My focus is on improving your health and well-being. 


To work with me please click HERE and check out the options.



My Approach: About
Image by Daniela Beleva

"Emotionally I felt a release and felt more balanced mentally. I felt clearer about my goals and direction of where my day to day life is going. Physically, I had a lot of pain in my body which has mostly moved on."

Amelia ~ Yoga Teacher / Business Owner

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